Know How To Recognize A Good Mortgage Rate
Mortgage lenders are often asked if there is a best time of day, day of the week, or period of the year when a prospective borrower should lock in a mortgage interest rate.The truth is, no one can tell with any degree of accuracy what rates will do.
In fact, the best time to lock a mortgage is when the unexpected happens.
Case in point: Brexit
Recently, Britain voted to exit the European Union. “Brexit,” as it is known, caused an international "flight to quality," meaning investors worldwide sought perceived safe assets like U.S. mortgage bonds. Mortgage rates fell dramatically.
These unforeseen shifts are the best time to lock a mortgage. But what if you’re not fortunate enough to be rate shopping during a period of mortgage rate upheaval?
Then, you go into the process knowing how to recognize a good rate, and being ready to lock it in.
Locking The Perfect Rate Is Like Hitting A Moving Target
Purchasing a home could be the most impactful financial decision you
will make in your life. You want to capitalize on the lowest possible
rate.In an ideal world, you would know when to pull the trigger on a rate lock with perfect timing -- assured in the knowledge that rates have hit their relative lowest point. But with interest rates subject to change daily and even hourly, choosing the right time to pull the trigger on a rate lock can be difficult.
This is a matter best discussed with experienced mortgage expert who can review your unique situation and suggest relevant options.